Българска Ортопедична и Травматологична асоциация

43rd SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress

Mar 2, 2023International Scientific Events, Scientific Events, Scientific Events 2023

16th Conference of BAAST and 13th Symposium of BOTA

43rd SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress & 74th EOA Annual Meeting – a combined meeting between the EOA, which is one of the oldest orthopaedic associations with more than 7,000 active members, and SICOT, which is the largest orthopaedic society in the world with members from 119 countries speaking over 100 languages.

This Congress will be a great opportunity for orthopaedic surgeons to take advantage of a wealth of knowledge from distinguished speakers from all over the world and discover recent advances in the management of unusual problems in developed nations such as the management of neglected fractures, conflict injuries and congenital deformities diagnosed late. With the current global economic crisis, it will be a good chance to highlight the current methods of management of difficult orthopaedic problems with limited resources.


Cairo, Egypt