от botabg | мар. 13, 2023 | Научни Прояви, Научни прояви 2023, Научни прояви в България 2023
В периода 19-22 октомври 2023г. в гр.Пловдив ще се проведе VII-ми ЕВРОПЕЙСКИ КОНГРЕС ПО ПРЕВЕНЦИЯ ТРАВМИТЕ НА РЪКАТА и VII-ми НАЦИОНАЛЕН КОНГРЕС ПО ХИРУРГИЯ НА РЪКА-България, с международно участие. Краен срок за изпращане на резюмета – 31 юли 2023г. ...
от botabg | мар. 2, 2023 | Международни научни прояви 2023, Научни Прояви, Научни прояви 2023
43rd SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress & 74th EOA Annual Meeting – a combined meeting between the EOA, which is one of the oldest orthopaedic associations with more than 7,000 active members, and SICOT, which is the largest orthopaedic society in the world...
от botabg | мар. 2, 2023 | Международни научни прояви 2023, Научни Прояви, Научни прояви 2023
WELCOME TO THE EFORT CONGRESS VIENNA 2023 On behalf of the Executive Committee and the Science Committee, we would like to invite you to participate in the 24th EFORT Congress in Vienna, Austria from 24 to 26 May 2023. The annual meeting of EFORT is the largest...
от botabg | мар. 2, 2023 | Международни научни прояви 2023, Научни Прояви, Научни прояви 2023
Welcome all surgeons to the ECTES European Congress 2023 in Ljubljana Dear fellow trauma and emergency surgeons, ESTES members and guests from all continents, After two nightmarish years of the pandemic, this year we were able to renew our live congress contacts in...
от botabg | мар. 2, 2023 | Международни научни прояви 2023, Научни Прояви, Научни прояви 2023
The AAOS 2023 Annual Meeting is poised to deliver one of the best and biggest live education experiences in years. Make your plans now to be a part of it.Register and sign up for ICLs, Case Presentations and Specialty Society Programs today. 7-11.03.2023 Las...